PAX, WV (LOOTPRESS) – In a disturbing incident that unfolded in the small community of Pax, Fayette County, a local man named Brain L. Garvin now faces a slew of serious criminal charges stemming from a harrowing domestic dispute.
According to Sheriff Shannon Morris, the events began just after noon on August 24th, 2024, when deputies responded to reports of a domestic disturbance at a residence in Pax.
Upon arriving at the scene, the deputies learned that Garvin, a 44-year-old man, had entered the home and proceeded to brandish a firearm, holding it to the head of his wife while threatening to kill both her and himself. Fearing for their lives, the woman and her child quickly locked themselves inside the bathroom, but Garvin managed to force his way in.
Fortunately, the terrified victims were then able to escape the home and lock themselves safely inside a vehicle until the deputies could arrive and apprehend Garvin.
As a result of this harrowing incident, Garvin now faces the felony charge of Gross Child Abuse Creating Risk of Serious Injury or Death, as well as several misdemeanor offenses including Brandishing, Domestic Battery, and Domestic Assault.
He will now await further court proceedings to determine the ultimate consequences of his actions, which have no doubt left his family traumatized and the close-knit Pax community shaken to its core.