(LOOTPRESS) – When families need to plan a funeral or cremation service, especially in an unfamiliar place, they often search online for a local provider. Now, thanks to a court order in an FTC case, people who work with one seller of cremations will find its prices online and know where it’s located.
You might have read about the FTC’s case against Legacy Cremation Services and others last April. If you didn’t, here’s the story: the FTC said in a lawsuit that the company used online ads to make it look like they performed cremations when they didn’t; made it look like they were local when they weren’t; and gave grieving people lowball quotes by phone —when the real price was much higher.
Now, among other things, a court order says that Legacy and its owner have to post price information on their websites. When it comes to location, Legacy has to give clear information about its (actual) locations — as well as the names, locations, and contact information for the local funeral homes they connect people with. (Info they didn’t so much share before.)
It’s never easy making funeral arrangements. To get help thinking through the steps, and knowing what funeral homes are required to do, check out Shopping for Funeral Services by Phone or Online — which, let’s face it, is how many of us shop for everything now. And remember: if one funeral home won’t answer your questions or give you the information you asked for, look somewhere else. And then tell the FTC: ReportFraud.ftc.gov.